I have been in this industry professionally for over 10 years now. It amazes me that so many people do not know the value we can offer as travel agents. I hear so many times, I saw it so I booked it. I thought today would be a great day to share some of the value I offer to my clients. First, clients are more to me at MackeyMouse Travel than just people who booked their vacation with me. Through the process of working on a trip, often times we become friends. When living life, raising children, working, sports, dance, band, anniversaries, birthdays, it spills over into conversations I have with clients. I think that makes us much more understanding and willing to help someone (clients) who might need something quick or have a somewhat hard issue. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at some of the things travel agents can do versus you booking directly online. Experience
AdvocacyWhen you travel to another country, you are at the mercy of your host country. If something goes wrong you are on your own. Whether that something is medical or “trouble” you have to navigate the embassy and try to get yourself or loved ones home while in the middle of a stressful situation. I’m in my home office moving and changing to get you on your way as quickly as possible. If you are landing in Paris at 2am and have a connection at 5am, but your flight is delayed because of a detour or delay in take off, I work to get your connection changed, transfers updated, hotel notified you will be late, reschedule any tours you may have had upon landing, so that you don’t have to stress about a thing! Online agency's do not do that! Speed![]() Because I have a network of agents and suppliers I can be in contact with someone before you can google the question! I have quoted my specialties so many times I can do it blindfolded (or while driving telling my husband how to navigate a website!) and get you booked sitting at a pool bar! Most people take hours navigating and checking to make sure they aren’t doing something wrong. I know what is needed and get it done. You are on vacation to enjoy your family! Why should you spend your time in destination worrying over changes, questions, delays, bumps in the road? I am here to make sure you have what you need to have the time of your life! I understand the costs involved in delays and what it does to the overall experience of your trip. Using a travel agent doesn’t take away from the fun of planning your trip. If you want to plan, do it! I’ll be here to answer questions, offer advice, and advocate while you are on your vacation. But booking your trip with me is a must in these new days of travel and all that is happening in the world! I want to be your trusted agent and help you spend your vacation budget wisely and use up all of your vacation days! This website uses marketing and tracking technologies. Opting out of this will opt you out of all cookies, except for those needed to run the website. Note that some products may not work as well without tracking cookies. Opt Out of Cookies
There is so much confusion in the world of travel these days. Knowing when you are getting a fair price is difficult and sometimes can be stressful. We want to offer a great comparison between the cost of a cruise vacation and an all inclusive vacation. Now all things will never be exactly the same but I will personally attest to the ease and convenience of booking an all inclusive vacation versus a cruise. If you want to truly get there, unpack once and enjoy all your resort could possibly hope to offer, than you need to book an all inclusive! As you can see an All Inclusive resort can offer you fantastic savings with an emphasis on relaxation and family. Check with Mia at [email protected] to find out how she can save you money for your family vacation!
How Can You Afford A Vacation?
Cara and Steve at Fort Wilderness Campground When Cara was young we had a small pop-up camper. We loved our camper! We would go camping every weekend and I could put it up by myself! Once I bought her actual play clothes (she was my first and I should have bought stock in Gymboree!), she could get out and tromp around in the creek or pet the bunnies, try to feed the peacocks. So many amazing memories! One day I was talking with my dad about camping and I said Cara just loves it! He said I know why, because she has you and here daddy 24/7. No phone, no tv (although we had tv with a DVD player because she needed her shows!), just us playing, relaxing and enjoying and growing. I miss those days! Blink and 9 years later and an addition of a little brother we don’t camp much anymore. Too many things to do, too many irons in the fire! I’m sure like most of you, we try to schedule family time, maybe a family movie night, a girl’s day or a boys going to the game, but it’s not the same. Sometimes the time isn’t always the issue. These days it’s hard to scrap together a large chunk of cash at once! That’s where MackeyMouse Travel can save the day! We can offer low deposits and monthly payments, giving your wallet a rest and allowing you to pay CASH for some much needed family time! How can we do that? MMT has partnered with suppliers who offer our clients the best service and the best options for your family’s budget. Our largest supplier (well outside of Disney!) has now lowered their deposit to $150! Even on packages that include air!!!! Unheard of!! Sit down tonight and talk to your kids, talk to your family and decide where you can reconnect together! Is it going to be on the beaches of the Caribbean with oodles of kid’s clubs activities? Or is it going to be on a ship at sea, where you can opt for a formal night for that family portrait? Or what about a magical trip to Walt Disney World where your princess can ride on daddy’s shoulders wearing her tiara and princess dress? Where ever your dreams take you, MackeyMouse Travel is ready to help you plan it! Contact us today so we can get that vacation planned! Trips with low deposits: Walt Disney World - $200.00 Disney Cruise Line – Percentage of cruise fare Major Cruise Lines - $100.00 - $250.00 per person All Inclusive Resorts in the Caribbean - $150.00 per person Happy Planning! Mia |
January 2024